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ecomfortHouse “Mori Katsu” Project

Conserve and re-forest (regenerate) of tropical forests in Borneo, the largest island in Asia, which is rapidly being deforested, Contributing to the STOP of global warming.

For each spongewipe sold, ¥3 is collected and for each pop-up sponge sold, ¥1 is collected as a fund to support the forest, The proceeds will be used to plant trees in Borneo through NPO weMORI.

200 spongewipes or 600 pop-up sponges will be used to plant one tree. Let's all protect and nurture the forest and take action to STOP global warming!

Forests produce the oxygen necessary for humans and other living things, It plays an important role in absorbing and storing carbon dioxide (CO2).Due to the rapid destruction of tropical forests, which absorb a particularly large amount of carbon dioxide among forests. Global warming is becoming a serious environmental problem as the absorption of carbon dioxide on the earth cannot keep up.
So we thought about it.
I hope that each person's life and shopping will lead to stopping global warming. Actions that anyone can take to protect the Earth.
That is our “ecomfortHouse Morikatsu Project".

Why sponge wipes?
Why a pop-up sponge?

From wood scraps, waste wood, windfall trees, etc. from managed forests use the obtained cellulose. For example, a common sponge used at home, most of them are petroleum based, i.e. plastic. The burden during manufacturing is also heavy, and small pieces of plastic are generated each time it is used. It will run out into the drain.
If you replace the sponge you use every day with cellulose, reduce the burden on the global environment, by not leaving excess things on the earth. A better future from everyday life We can make it.

In addition, a portion of sales will be used to conserve and regenerate Borneo tropical forests. Project products with donations to use. By the action of “buying”, while being useful in life, by conserving and regenerating Borneo tropical forests and increasing the number of forests, Necessities for life that contribute to STOP global warming. That's why it's called "forest cloth" or "forest sponge". Now, review the contents of your life, take action now!


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